Lookout Ave. Volume 03 Issue 8
Issue includes articles about the upcoming LMHS annual election of officers, the defunct La Mesa Memorial Day Parade, local resident oral history, upcoming presentation regarding local Spanish and Native American history, and news from the LMHS Quilters. Four copies.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 04 Issue 3
Issue includes an article about La Mesa's former citrus industry, an announcement for the upcoming LMHS Annual Dinner, excerpts from past issues of the La Mesa Scout, and an update on the La Mesa Depot Museum. Four copies with variable handwritten dates ranging from December 1980 to February 1981.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 05 Issue 2
Issue includes a memorial tribute to Joan Light Wilken, articles about Grossmont High School's "Shenandoah" bus, filmmaking in early 20th century La Mesa, notes on the LMHS officer election results, upcoming bake and yard sales, reports on the restoration of the La Mesa Depot and the McKinney House, and the LMHS Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Four copies.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 05 Issue 4
Issue includes a memorial tribute to Leo McCarthy, an announcement for the LMHS Ice Cream Social, articles about the opening of the La Mesa Depot, the La Mesa Historic Site Survey, the 70th anniversary of La Mesa, and a reprinted 1912 article from the San Diego Union on the vote to incorporate La Mesa. Four copies. Each copy includes an insert for LMHS membership renewal. Three of four copies include a supplement announcing upcoming Silent Movies accompanied by the Wurlitzer Pipe Organ at San Diego's California Theater.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 06 Issue 1
Issue includes an article about longtime La Mesa resident Marie Maxwell McKinney, an article about the Quilting Bees, an excerpt from a past issue of the La Mesa Scout, the LMHS Annual Report, an announcement for the upcoming LMHS general meeting and pie festival, and an update on the La Mesa Depot Museum. Three copies.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 08 Issue 1
Issue includes articles about the creation of the La Mesa Historic Preservation Commission, the repainting of the McKinney House, a LMHS exhibit at California First Bank, the passing of Irene Judy & Thelma Todd, Florence McKinney's transcribed notes, and an LMHS Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Four copies.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 09 Issue 1
Issue includes articles about the inclusion of the Grable House and Collier Park as historic landmarks, the LMHS Tenth Anniversary celebration, the acquisition of a painting by Charles A. Fries, the passing of former LMHS president Dorothy Griner, and the LMHS Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Four copies.
DetailsLookout Ave. Volume 10 Issue 1
Issue includes articles about the donation of photos from Grossmont Studios, La Mesa businessman Pete Palermo, a historic home in danger of demolition, the recipients of the LMHS Historic Preservation Awards, and the LMHS Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Four copies.
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